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Session: The metaverse, the next step of the internet

Type: Keynote

The metaverse is a new territory of virtual interaction where human beings will go beyond physical limits to live experiences where artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, intelligent avatars, digital humans, cryptocurrencies, tokens, empathic technologies converge. The confluence of these technologies will allow them to work, play, and socialize while feeling emotionally teleported to other realities.

Imagine metahumans and intelligent avatars with an extraordinary ability to communicate using the complexity of natural languages ​​and human body language using the resources, verbal and non-verbal, that we use in our daily communication, such as tone of voice and facial expressions. In 2021 we will be able to access the internet but in the future, in the metaverse we will experience the internet through a persistent virtual space that optimizes the user experience to levels unknown today. We are going to emotionally surf the Internet.

The metaverse promises to generate a change with new virtual reality tools that allow generating a feeling of proximity with other people, even if they are thousands of kilometers away. With human beings represented by customizable avatars, virtual reality glasses allow the creation of collaborative elements in which everyone can interact in new realities. In the metaverse it will be easier to go from Me to We.


Rafael Martínez-Cortiña (he/him)


Graduated in economics from the Complutense University of Madrid. MBA from ESCP Business School (École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris). Currently a PhD candidate in Collective Artificial Intelligence as a competitive advantage for business management. Analyst of prospective scenarios and governance models for 2030+. Member of the Scientific Committee of Telos (Fundación Telefónica) and member of the Editorial Committee of IberCampus.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rafaelmcortina

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafaelmcortina/